Get all your news in one place. No more chaos of browsing multiple sites.

Stay ahead of the curve with trending news delivered in real time.

Why check hundreds of media sites when Mosaik can do it for you?

Our platform uses proprietary artificial intelligence to sift through the noise and bring you only what matters. Save time, stay informed, and skip the clutter.

Mosaik offers a platform that equips professionals, enthusiasts, and the intellectually curious with the tools they need to stay ahead of information.

Stay informed. Stay ahead.

Try for free no credit card required.

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Industry Intelligence

Missed another industry update? Not on our watch. Our cutting-edge platform ensures you catch every key moment in your field—never be out of the loop again.


Intelligent Categorization

Leverage our proprietary ML algorithms to filter and classify news across topics pertinent to your needs. Transform information chaos into a structured knowledge treasure.



Begin with a newsfeed expertly curated for your specific industry and interests, eliminating the need to start from scratch. Our dashboards dynamically aggregate the latest, most relevant news, offering a personalized starting point that’s fully customizable to adapt to your evolving needs.


Real-Time Updates

Stay informed with the most current news, as our platform delivers updates in near real-time. Ensure your decisions are based on the latest information available.


Instant Alerts

Hate being the last to know? Our platform alerts you the instant your chosen keywords hit the headlines. Stay ahead of the curve or remain in the dark – decide wisely. .


Customizable Content Screens

Experience a comprehensive single-page application where content is seamlessly divided across screens. Tailor your viewing experience to fit your precise needs.

Achieve Unmatched Industry Awareness

Mosaik’s intelligent algorithm delivers real-time alerts, ensuring you stay at the forefront of breaking news. Empower yourself and your team to be the first to know what's happening in your industry. With Mosaik, you'll always be ahead, never behind.

Image by storyset on Freepik Image by storyset on Freepik

Be the first to know what's happening in your industry

Mosaik simplifies the challenge of staying ahead with news updates. Our platform offers a single source for all your news, tailored alerts, and smart categorization, making it easy to stay informed and productive. With Mosaik, you'll effortlessly stay on top, avoiding overwhelm and obsolescence.

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Why should I subscribe to Mosaik when I can just search the internet myself? plus minus plus minus

Mosaik eliminates the pain of sifting through endless websites, blogs, and other media sources, freeing up hours of your day and boosting productivity. Leveraging our proprietary, cutting-edge machine learning technology, Mosaik delivers news and information in real-time, scanned from several hundred sources globally. With Mosaik, staying informed and ahead is straightforward and stress-free.

What makes Mosaik's intelligent categorization different? plus minus plus minus

Mosaik utilizes state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to categorize news content accurately. This unique approach ensures that users can easily navigate and find news relevant to their specific interests, streamlining the consumption of vast amounts of information.

Can I customize alerts on Mosaik? plus minus plus minus

Absolutely. Mosaik allows you to set up customizable alerts based on specific keywords, companies, or topics of interest. This way, you're always informed about developments that matter most to you.

How does Mosaik ensure real-time news updates? plus minus plus minus

Mosaik ensures real-time news updates through its proprietary RSS reader, which automatically reads updates from hundreds of sources worldwide. We programmatically retrieve these updates and classify the news, ensuring timely and relevant information is always at your fingertips. This system allows Mosaik to offer a comprehensive, constantly updated stream of news, tailored to meet the diverse needs of our users.

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$0 /month


Perfect for newcomers eager to explore the landscape of news and insights.

Note: During Mosaik's soft launch, all users in the Explorer plan will enjoy access to all premium features.

  • Ready-to-use dashboard
  • Real-time updates
  • Up to 1 topic or industry
  • Power search
  • Save for later
  • Suggested news
Get the plan



Suited for users looking to gain visionary insights with the most comprehensive tools, features, and access.

  • All features from the Explorer plan plus:
  • Access to all topics and industries
  • Custom newsfeed
  • Publication alerts
  • Keyword alerts
  • Basic support
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The ultimate tier, tailored for professionals and enterprises seeking to construct a detailed, panoramic view of their industries.

  • All features from the Strategist plan plus:
  • On-demand addition of industries
  • On-demand addition of sources
  • Premium support

With this plan, you have the flexibility to request the addition of topics/suptopics/industries, or sources to tailor your newsfeed to your preferences. You can request one additional topic at no extra cost. Any additional topic beyond this allocation will incur an extra fee.

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